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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Broadmeadow Elementary School - General Education Instructional Assistant07/25/2024ClassifiedBroadmeadow Elementary SchoolApply
Teacher - French (Part-Time 0.4 FTE) [Pollard Middle School] (24-25)07/24/2024CertifiedPollard Middle SchoolApply
NCE Adult Program Instructor/Staff Member07/23/2024After school/eveningNeedham Community EducationApply
Preschool Speech-Language Pathologist SY 2024-202507/23/2024CertifiedPreSchoolApply
LTS 2nd Grade Teacher - Mitchell Elementary (Nov 2024 - Feb 2025)07/22/2024CertifiedMitchell Elementary SchoolApply
School Secretary (10-month) [Pollard Middle School] (SY24-25)07/22/2024ClassifiedPollard Middle SchoolApply
District Registrar/ Family Welcome Center Services Coordinator07/18/2024ClassifiedDistrictApply
Special Education Teaching Assistant Eliot School SY24-2507/18/2024CertifiedEliot Elementary SchoolApply
Set Director Needham High School Productions07/18/2024OtherDistrictApply
LTS Teacher/Liaison - Special Education [Pollard Middle School] (SY24-25)07/17/2024CertifiedPollard Middle SchoolApply
Teacher - Elementary Visual Arts (Long-Term Substitute) (SY24-25)07/12/2024CertifiedNewman Elementary SchoolApply
Visual and Performing Art Daily Substitute Teachers K-1207/12/2024SubstituteDistrictApply
Spring 2025 Varsity Girls Lacrosse Coach [Needham High School]07/10/2024AthleticsNeedham High SchoolApply
Preschool, Infant & Toddler Teacher Assistant - Substitute for NCE Early Childcare Program07/08/2024ClassifiedEarly Childhood CenterApply
Substitute Registered Nurses07/08/2024SubstituteDistrictApply
World Language Daily Substitute Teacher K-1207/08/2024SubstituteDistrictApply
Cafeteria Worker Substitute [Needham Public Schools]07/08/2024Food ServiceDistrictApply
Substitute 7D Van Driver07/08/2024TransportationDistrictApply
7D Van Driver07/08/2024TransportationDistrictApply
Fine and Performing Arts seasonal positions07/08/2024OtherDistrictApply
Intern/Student Teacher - Approved Internships/Student Teacher Only07/08/2024Intern/Student TeacherDistrictApply
Daily Substitute Teacher PreK-1207/08/2024SubstituteDistrictApply
School Bus Driver06/28/2024TransportationDistrictApply
Enterprise Applications Manager06/25/2024District AdministrativeDistrictApply
High Rock School Special Education Instructional Assistant - grade 606/17/2024ClassifiedHigh Rock SchoolApply
Fall 2024 Varsity Cross Country Coach [Needham High School]06/16/2024AthleticsNeedham High SchoolApply
General Education Instructional Assistant, SY 2024-2025 - Mitchell Elementary06/14/2024ClassifiedMitchell Elementary SchoolApply
Speech Language Pathology Assistant [Multiple Schools] (SY24-25))06/13/2024ClassifiedDistrictApply
Service Desk & Device Manager06/13/2024District AdministrativeDistrictApply
Network Systems Senior Specialist06/12/2024District AdministrativeDistrictApply
Special Education Instructional Assistant [Broadmeadow Elementary School] [24-25]06/12/2024ClassifiedBroadmeadow Elementary SchoolApply
Fall Sub Varsity Athletic Coaches [Needham HS] (SY24-25)06/10/2024AthleticsNeedham High SchoolApply
District Cafeteria Baker - NPS District (SY2024-2025)06/07/2024Food ServiceDistrictApply
Preschool 2024-2025 Intensive Special Education Instructional Assistant (SY24-25)06/06/2024ClassifiedPreSchoolApply
Preschool 2024-2025 Special Education Instructional Assistant (SY 24-25)06/06/2024ClassifiedPreSchoolApply
Intensive Instructional Assistant, Needham High School (2024-2025)06/04/2024ClassifiedNeedham High SchoolApply
Pollard Middle School SY24-25 -Instructional Assistant Special Education05/30/2024ClassifiedPollard Middle SchoolApply
Instructional Assistant - Needham High School (2024/2025 School Year)05/30/2024OtherNeedham High SchoolApply
Elementary Instructional Assistants05/29/2024ClassifiedSunita L. Williams Elementary SchoolApply
Infant / Toddler Teacher (Infant, Toddler, Preschool Center)05/29/2024CertifiedEarly Childhood CenterApply
Program Specialist - Intensive Learning Center05/29/2024ClassifiedSunita L. Williams Elementary SchoolApply
Middle School Math Teacher Long term substitute teacher (September 2024-December 2024)05/16/2024SubstitutePollard Middle SchoolApply
Special Education Instructional Assistant- Elementary Specialized Program05/15/2024ClassifiedSunita L. Williams Elementary SchoolApply
Instructional Assistant Special Education - Mitchell Elementary School (SY24-25)05/15/2024ClassifiedMitchell Elementary SchoolApply
Senior Bookkeeper for Grants Management [Central Office]05/10/2024ClassifiedDistrictApply
School Psychologist (24-25 School Year) (Eliot/Broadmeadow Elementary]04/24/2024CertifiedEliot Elementary SchoolApply
Cafeteria Worker - Broadmeadow Elementary School - SY2024-202504/22/2024Food ServiceBroadmeadow Elementary SchoolApply
Long Term Visual Art Sub SY24-25 (1.0 Needham High School Visual Arts Teacher)04/08/2024CertifiedNeedham High SchoolApply
NCE Elementary School Instructor/Coordinator/TA/Staff Member02/07/2024After school/eveningNeedham Community EducationApply
NCE Middle School Instructor/Coordinator/TA/Staff Member01/29/2024After school/eveningNeedham Community EducationApply